Description: One of our favorite varieties, this apple is a full russet with fantastic aromatics, excellent texture and a sweet, yet sub-acid juice. Flavor is often nutty in character with citrus notes and ample complexity. This apple has been the winner of numerous taste tests.
Origin: Discovered in Gloucester, England around 1720. Possibly grown by Dr. Ashmead of Gloucester.
Growth Habit: Upright, spreading tree, spur bearing, annual cropper.
Pollination: Triploid (poor pollination partner)
Disease Resistance: Resistance to apple scab, resistance to Cedar Apple Rust, some susceptibility to bitter pit.
Harvest: Early October in Finger Lakes Region, NY.
Uses: Cider, fresh eating, cooking
Classification: Sharp
Juice Quality: Excellent quality juice, high in acid and aromatic. Has the potential to make a good single varietal.