Description: One of our favorite varieties for cider and eating, Golden russet is a beautiful full russet, with an intense flavor, reminiscent of Ashmead’s Kernel, but with more striking acidity and wonderfully diverse aromatics. It is often very high is sugar relative to most varieties This apple has a long history in the cider making traditions in North America and is a necessary addition to any cider orchard. It is widely believed this apple has the potential to make a good single varietal and our experience thus far have lead us to conclude the same. Golden Russet is also a very good storage variety. Although it can loose some texture during storage, the flavor can often improve.
Origin/Parentage: Originating in western New York around 1850, or maybe earlier. The parentage is unknown, but some believe Ashmead’s Kernel or another english russet is a probable parent. Not to be confused with English Golden Russet, which by most accounts has not been grown in the U.S. and is now likely not in existence.
Growth Habit: Moderate vigor, sprawling growth habit, tip bearer. Winter hardy, annual bearer, but blooms early and can be susceptible to late frosts.
Bloom/Pollination: Blooms early season
Disease Resistance: Resistant to scab, some susceptibility to cedar apple rust
Harvest: Late season, harvested mid-late October in Finger Lakes Region, NY. Hangs well on the tree and can be harvested over a several week period. Harvest later for cider use.
Uses: Eating, cooking, cider
Cider Classification: Sharp
Juice Quality: Tannin: 0.042%, T.A.: 7.1 – 13.5 g/l, pH: 3.75, Brix: 17 – 23.